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Searched: "leave no trace"

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Tourism on the Line - TEDx Talk by Tina O'Dwyer

Childhood experiences often shape our future, and this is vividly illustrated through Tina's story. Growing up in County Limerick, Tina was profoundly influenced by their interactions with a neighbour, Mrs Regan. This early relationship not only sparked a deep appreciation for her local environme...

Tourism for Biodiversity: 5 biodiversity ideas from our Expert Speaker in The Huddle

One of the most popular answers travellers give when asked ‘why do you travel?’ is to disconnect and explore all the wonders of the world. “To immerse myself in nature”. “To go hiking.” “To lay on a beach all day and go diving in the ocean.” Travellers travel in order to get outside their comfort...

Fam trips: Why it is so important for us to learn from other destinations

They have always said that travel broadens the mind. How true this is! When we immerse ourselves into another culture as a tourist and experience a new way of life, culture and tradition, we are expanding our minds and tapping into a new perspective and new way of thinking. Why not use the same a...

6 things people love about a Leave No Trace Awareness Course

We have delivered several Leave No Trace Awareness Courses as part of our Sustainability Training Programmes. The Principles of Leave No Trace are being highlighted more and more in tourism as they explore the different ways we and our visitors can have an impact when in the outdoors. They are a ...

6 great ways to build tourism networks through training programmes

Training programmes for tourism destinations are not just about training. Of course, the knowledge and skills that are taught and learned are important. These are ‘the tangibles’ that are written into the curriculum and learning outcomes. At least equally important however are ‘the intangibles’ –...

4 big learnings from a Leave No Trace Awareness Course

Leave No Trace and the tourism industry are intrinsically linked and the fact that the National Tourism Development Authority of our country here in Ireland, Fáilte Ireland, has become a partner of Leave No Trace goes to prove that. The tourism industry has a responsibility to not only follow but...

Leave No Trace and your Tourism or Hospitality Business: Minimise the Effects of Fire

As global temperatures increase, we are also seeing a rise in forest fires. Fires can be catastrophic, obliterating everything in their path, causing harm to towns and the environment,  destroying habitats which may not regenerate and return to their flourishing state for many years after. Fires ...

Leave No Trace and your Tourism and Hospitality Business: Dispose of Waste Properly

Did you know that it takes up to 2 years for a banana skin to decompose? This can be even longer in rocky areas. It can also take between 2 and 5 years for a cigarette to break down. Unfortunately within that time, many fragments of plastic will have broken away and may have contaminated waterway...

Leave No Trace and your Tourism or Hospitality Business: Leave What You Find

Have you ever been to Egypt? If so, did anyone ever ask before you set off, “will you bring me back some sand from the pyramids?” I went to Egypt on a family holiday when I was 13 and I know many people asked me. Back then, I was oblivious to the negative impact this request may have. Imagine eve...

Leave No Trace and your Tourism and Hospitality Business - Travel and Camp on Durable Ground

Out of all national stakeholders, from the government to local communities, it is the tourism hospitality businesses that have the greatest and most direct impact when it comes to educating tourists. This can be a responsible business action, and one that could be included in a business sustainab...

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