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Circular Economy 4 Regenerative Tourism (CE4RT) 

The Tourism Space has partnered with MTU and other international EU partners to work on this EU-funded programme.

An EU-Funded Tourism SME Support Programme led by Munster Technological University

Regenerative tourism within the framework of the CE4RT project creates the opportunity for SMEs to join a shared journey that:

  • Generates profitable businesses
  • Tackles climate action
  • Benefits the host community
  • Champions local places – nature, culture and heritage
  • Empowers visitors to be responsible
Learn more here

Congratulations to all the CE4RT SMEs!

Congratulations to the 80 tourism SMEs from Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Poland and The Netherlands who were selected for the CE4RT programme and will receive a FREE training course in circular economy and regenerative tourism and 8250€ each towards coaching, certification and networking on their sustainability journey.
We look forward to working together and sharing more news of the SMEs and our activities as the project advances.

List of CE4RT SMEs here

Benefits of the programme to participating businesses


€8000 Funding for your business mentoring and coaching, sustainable certification, international conference attendance and an individualised sustainability plan and certification.


Positive contribution to nature and local community/destination.


Grow your business and add value


Collaboration and networking with SME’s locally and partner countries across Europe.


  • The project runs from Jan 2023 to Jan 2025

  • Applications Open Summer 2023, closing on 12th October 2023, 4pm

  • Training & Mentoring Oct 2023 – March 2024

  • Conference Iceland April 2024 and Ireland November 2024

  • Training & Mentoring Sept 2024 to Dec 2024

Participant Profile

80 Tourism Small and Medium Sized Enterprises across 5 Partner Countries: Ireland, Iceland, Greenland, Poland, Netherlands.



Register here today

What is included in the programme?

  • There are a vast number of supports and grants available to help businesses become more sustainable but it can be overwhelming for SMEs to figure out even where to start.
  • This programme first provides an overview of regenerative tourism and explores how each SME can reimagine running their businesses for a better world.
  • The programme then goes on to provide one on one supports to help a business tackle their sustainability journey up to and including international certification.
  • The collaboration helps SMEs go beyond sustainability and think about their visitors’ impact and the impact on nature and the local community. It makes both business sense and it’s absolutely essential for the future of our planet.


Register here

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the granting authority, EISMEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Project: 101085456 — CE4RT — SMP-COSME-2021-TOURSME